Carolyn Ingram
Carolyn Ingram is a studio art major with a film and media concentration. She has fully partook in the liberal arts experience by taking classes in a variety of subjects, such as French, history, ANSO, film theory and more!
When not in the Writing Center, Carolyn is a part of K’s improv team and is a big nap enthusiast. If you need help brainstorming or any part of the writing process, she’d love to help!

Claire Taylor

Claire Taylor (she/they) is an English major in the creative nonfiction and literary analysis tracks. This is their senior year at K, and she is so excited to get to spend it chatting about writing with folks! She is a big fan of brainstorming and poking through the logistical details to make sure your big picture concepts come through. In their free time, you’ll likely find Claire outside, curled up with a cup of tea trying to solve the NYT games or reading a poetry collection. They’re looking forward to meeting you and exploring your project together!
Ellie Pollard
Ellie Pollard (she/her) is a senior double majoring in Religion and Women and Gender Studies with a minor in Political Science and a concentration in Environmental Studies. This year she will be a DSA for the WGS Department and is excited to see what else senior year will bring. After studying abroad in Jordan junior year and learning Arabic, she returned this summer to complete her SIP research on the relationship between gender identity and religious identity among Jordanian society. On campus, Ellie spends her time in the Limelights Acapella group, as well as Student Government.
Some fun facts about Ellie are that she is a certified scuba diver and works with Alligators at the Critchlow Alligator Sanctuary. This is Ellie’s second year working at the Writing Center and she is very passionate about creating safe spaces for students on campus like the Center. Her favorite aspect of working here is getting to meet new people and assisting them in their writing journeys. Her strengths are brainstorming, organizing, and reviewing.

Evelyn Ellerbrock

Evelyn is a sophomore from Chicago with a passion for city living and interests in ANSO, English, and Art History. She’s a member of crochet club and an avid participant in Festival Playhouse productions, having worked in set construction, props, and stage management positions. You can also find her lying in bed, probably watching sitcoms or reading a sci-fi book. Greatly experienced in procrastination and indecision, she is ready to help navigate those moments of feeling stuck and excels in list making. Being a long-winded writer herself, she also understands the importance of organization and clarity and is especially ready to help refine drafts, but excited to hype you up at all stages of the process! Though most experienced in the humanities and social sciences, she loves to get a glimpse into different disciplines and is ready to help with all styles of writing.
Ingrid Gardner
Ingrid (she/her) is a sophomore math major from Kalamazoo. In her own writing, she particularly enjoys research, editing sentence structure and word choice, and learning the ins and outs of various citation styles. When she’s not at the Writing Center, Ingrid can be found watching movies with her roommate, completely reworking her intended career path, and making totally normal photo collages of the Duolingo Owl.

Jasmine Davis

Jasmine (she/her) is a sophomore intending to major in psychology and is considering a second in math. She has been a percussionist for eight years, and she is a member of the Academy Street Winds ensemble on campus. She loves all things music, including a variety of genres, so feel free to talk about your favorites! Aside from music, writing is her most treasured passion. She began creating her own stories when she was in kindergarten, and she loves the energy that writing evokes. Her strength lies in the “synthesizing” component of writing: combing through ideas, deciding what to include, and choosing how to build off of those points. She is thrilled to be a part of the Writing Center this year and is looking forward to all of the other students she gets to meet.
Maddie Lawson
Maddie (she/they) is a senior philosophy major with a French minor. While she has experience TAing in the philosophy department, and is currently working on a French SIP, she’s open to exploring any and all disciplines in consultations! Maddie loves brainstorming and making outlines, especially because they know how intimidating a blank page can be. Having plenty of experience struggling with time management and the like, she’s here to help clients who are experiencing similar problems work things out from wherever they’re starting from. Whether you’re behind in a class or just fearing impending doom, she is here to help you figure out what next step makes the most sense and guide you through it. She knows that there’s no one size fits all writing process that will work for everyone, and she’s excited to help you come up with an approach that works for you, your timeline, and your needs. Maddie loves getting to know new people and getting to be a familiar face on campus!

Maya Arau

Maya (she/any) is a sophomore Art History major with minors in Studio Art and Spanish. She loves dipping her toes into all different fields of study and is always down for a good brainstorming sesh (that feeling of slowly reaching a final concept as you talk to someone about your ideas is unmatched). Maya is always accompanied by her stuffed (don’t tell him she said that) hamster, San-D, and can often be found in the library reading room or in a random patch of shade on campus. Maya’s favorite part of the writing process is the stage where the ideas all start to come together, and the final goal begins to seem within reach. No matter who you are or where you’re from, Maya is happy to assist in any stage of the writing process, whether it’s planning for your big paper coming up, putting finishing touches on your application for that internship you really want, or even test reading your experimental Sonic the Hedgehog/Percy Jackson crossover fanfiction.
Nicki Chandelier
Nicki (any pronouns) is a sophomore double majoring in business and studio art. Their primary focus is painting, and they intend to study abroad at the New York Arts Program. Nicki’s passion for writing manifests in their love for organizing. If you have doubts about structuring a paper, they are eager to assist in mapping out your research and ideas. In addition to consultations, they are part of the social media team. When not in the center, they enjoy playing bass guitar, teaching during the summer, and biking around the city to visit small businesses. Nicki understands firsthand how external judgment can stifle authentic expression. They deeply empathize with those who approach papers with disinterest or apprehension. While they cannot change anyone’s feelings toward writing, Nicki firmly believes in empowering everyone to create pieces they can be proud of.

Sierra Hieshetter

Sierra Hieshetter (she/her) is a senior from Grand Rapids, MI majoring in English and History with a concentration in American Studies, and she studied abroad last year in Caceres, Spain, Sierra understands the pressure of deadlines and the critical thinking skills required to delve deep into analysis. She has ridden the K College struggle bus when it comes to feeling stressed, but her biggest takeaway is that anyone can do hard things if they attack them in the right way. She is here to help you find the best way to balance your workloads, gain confidence in your organizational and communication skills, and thrive in your academic and personal goals. Sierra loves expressing her creativity through song with the Kalamazoo College Singers and the Premium Orange acapella group, and she finds peace and rejuvenation in exploring green spaces, like the Arboretum. She believes that everyone has a unique perspective and experience they bring to the table. She is passionate about highlighting the strengths in an individual’s voice and helping their confidence shine through in their writing. She cannot wait to meet you in the Writing Center!
Theo Niemann
Theo (he/they) is a math major to pursue his dream job of becoming a teacher and an art major as a consolation prize. He spent the summer studying math education in Budapest and is excited to return to campus for his junior year and continue working with the Bike Co-op at K. Their favorite part of the writing process is sitting down with a blank document and a strong outline. When he’s not getting paint or chalk on his clothes, Theo’s playing board games, listening to a new album, or making coffee. He loves working at the Writing Center so he can challenge himself to meet the different needs of each client. You should book Theo at the Writing Center if you want to add clarity to your draft, consider other perspectives of your argument, try new approaches in your outline, or be bombarded with ideas for how to turn your thought into a thesis.